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tech leadership blog

another tech leader learning, applying and sharing.

  1. Team composition - What team compositions should I be using to achieve my goals?

    When leading and adapting an organisation to the changing challenges backlogs present it is important to consider team composition and what impact that has on its overall approach. These are the key types you need to consider and use as tools in your leadership toolkit. …

  2. Buyer Beware | Considerations when weighing an M&A opportunity | People

    Intro As an engineering leader you will occasionally be asked to take a look at a merger or acquisition opportunity. Industries and businesses have cycles of consolidation and occasionally you will find yourself asked to evaluate a Merger and/or an Acquisition. As a the technology leader in the conversation you will be required to weigh in on the engineering and product operations capability of the target company. Invariably you will focus on what we know as engineers, the code and architecture. But there is more to it than that. This series of blog posts is my guide to the other considerations, with contributions from colleagues current and past. …

  3. Buyer Beware | Considerations when weighing an M&A opportunity | Operations

    Intro As an engineering leader you will occasionally be asked to take a look at a merger or acquisition opportunity. Industries and businesses have cycles of consolidation and occasionally you will find yourself asked to evaluate a Merger and/or an Acquisition. As a the technology leader in the conversation you will be required to weigh in on the engineering and product operations capability of the target company. Invariably you will focus on what we know as engineers, the code and architecture. But there is more to it than that. This series of blog posts is my guide to the other considerations, with contributions from colleagues current and past. …

  4. Splitting Hives | A great way to grow engineering organisations while maintaining culture

    Nature analogies in Engineering Bees are amazing. Organic. Like dev teams… Go with me for a minute on this.  …

  5. What? How? Why? When? | Three key questions to understanding software delivery responsibilities

    Intro When we consider a software development team as a system, we have to understand the dynamics of pressures that are in play in order to understand ultimately how a teams performance will play out. It is true that a well aligned set of folks who are all part of a high functioning team will be able to holistically take care of all the concerns this approach proposes to solve, but this approach proposes to solve responsibilities and team dynamics for the other 99% of us. …